End of 2023, I decided I needed to change my eating habits to be healthier and start a workout routine. After Christmas came, I fell off the wagon and it took me until April to really start something concrete.
Exactly 3 months ago, I joined a gym. First time in 20 years! With my business so busy riding horses and working the farm, the last thing I wanted to do was workout. After turning 50, earning my Gold medal, my biggest accomplishment, I wanted more goals! Then I lost my dad in May. After seeing how sick he was, I knew I needed to be healthier for me! Something to do for myself. I work hard for others, and this was something for me!! My diet has changed to all natural food, no processed, and I completely stopped drinking all alcohol! That was a big one but the day I was finally ready, mid-June 2024, I stopped.
I have to give most of the credit to my sister Amanda Mallonee for encouraging me and supporting me and giving me the knowledge of why and how all of the things had to be to get the results I want! I’m not only down inches and on the scale, but I’m starting to see the muscle come back that I used to have. I have reached my goal weight, but have many more months to keeping putting on the muscle and getting leaner.
Not only do I feel better mentally, but my aches and pains are gone! I have tons more energy and I can keep working all day! I will continue to keep going to be a better athlete for my Grand Prix horse!
Thank you all for reading this and if you need or want help, as many people have reached out, feel free to contact my sister, Amanda Mallonee or chat with me about my journey. Amanda is knowledgable, encouraging and loves what she does to help others!
Below are pictures of me and my sister. Yes…we are twins.
I am the one with less muscle and Amanda is the one with all the muscle!